LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring

The One Ring.

The One Ring

Information on the One Ring from the extended DVD. Commentators are:

Mike Hopkins: Supervising Sound Editor. (M.H.)

Ethan Van der Ryn: Supervising Sound Editor/Co-Designer. (E.V.d.R.)

David Farmer: Sound Designer. (D.F.)

The One Ring


The Ring in the script is very much a character. It has a force and a presence and an energy.


When I first started playing with Ring sounds with Peter [Jackson] we were going for an actual more physical Ring sound.


And that turned into the Ring having an actual voice.


It would have different attitudes. To one person it may be a seductress. To another person it may be, I don't know, it may be a lover or something like this.


That really changed into it being an actor who would remain the consistent voice of the Ring throughout the film.


Alan Howard recorded voice-overs that Philippa and Fran would write.


He learnt a whole bunch of phrases in black speech and he just went for it.

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